Original Wall Applique: An Artistic Addition to Your Home Decor

When it comes to home decor, the choices are endless. From furniture to curtains, to rugs and artwork, every individual has their own unique idea of what makes their home appealing. Of all the home decor options, wall appliques are a popular choice for adding that extra touch of elegance and style to any room. This article delves into the world of original wall appliques and how they can elevate the look of your home.

What Are Wall Appliques?

Wall appliques are decorative pieces that are affixed to walls, ceilings, or any smooth surface to add interest, texture, and visual appeal to a room. Typically made from various materials such as metal, wood, or fabric, wall appliques come in many shapes and sizes, from small ornaments to large art installations.

The Popularity of Original Appliques

In recent years, the trend of using original wall appliques has been increasing. Unlike mass-produced pieces, original appliques are unique which adds to their value as an artistic choice for home decor. Since no two original appliques are alike, they make a statement in and bring a sense of personalization and originality to a room.

Where to Find Original Wall Appliques

Original appliques can be found in various locations. Local craft fairs often offer unique and handmade pieces that cannot be found elsewhere. You can also find them online, on sites such as Etsy, where individual artists from around the world sell their unique pieces. Another option would be to create your own custom wall applique, which is not only unique but also adds a sense of personalization to your home decor.

Choosing the Right Wall Applique for Your Home

Finding the right wall applique for your home is easy with a little planning. First, consider the overall theme of the room. What colors and textures dominate the space? Your accent pieces should complement the existing decor without overpowering it. Next, determine the size and shape of the applique you want to use. If the room has a lot going on visually, consider a smaller, simpler design. For a room with more space, larger pieces can anchor the space and make a statement.


The placement of the applique is also important. It will be the focal point of the room, so it’s essential to choose a location where it will be most visible. The most common locations are over a fireplace, above a couch or bed, or in a hallway. Remember to consider the lines of sight – the applique should be in a prominent location, but not to the point where it obstructs your view.

Caring for Your Wall Applique

To keep your wall applique well cared for and looking like new, there are a few simple rules to follow. First, avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners on the piece – this can damage the finish. Instead, use a soft cloth or a feather duster to remove dust or dirt. Lastly, keep your wall applique away from direct sunlight. Sunlight can cause fading, change the color of the piece, or even cause cracking and splitting over time.

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